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A SPACE FOR deep healing, DECONDITIONING, CONNECTION, GROWTH, TRANSFORMATION, & rising into your higher potential

Every time we hold a gathering, we are always blown away by how powerful Human Design truly is. To see it working in real time with a group of individuals who each understand, honor, and celebrate their uniqueness is truly a sight to behold. It’s a glimpse into the New Paradigm.

After hosting our first Human Design Reader Training retreat in Costa Rica in 2022, it changed our lives to experience people coming together in a Human Design container, where you are truly seeing each other through that unique lens.

Getting to know each other on a deeper level and accepting each other’s differences was so powerful.

As two Projectors, we learn so much from hearing the lived experiences of those who have a different design from our own. It’s amazing to witness how we each can bring our own unique gifts, perspectives, and experiences in how we can communicate Human Design.

We have hosted 3 retreats so far, and cannot wait for the next one to come to us in divine timing! Our retreats are so transformative. We have grown so much as individuals from each of these unique experiences, and we truly feel that we are not the same people we were before we started hosting these retreats. We have lived, grown, transformed, and stepped into a higher consciousness each time.


There is also so much medicine and wisdom in the location of each retreat. We use our Strategy and Authority over months of researching and planning, to pick the perfect location based on the theme of the retreat, and what the land will bring to us. From a feeling of openness and clarity, to spiritual and deep, to ruggedness and pushing us out of our comfort zone, each location has brought on a unique learning experience for the collective.


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a deep dive into your human design & An Advanced understanding of Your purpose

Build Intimate community with 22+ like-souled individuals

An all inclusive luxury retreat experience

Welcoming in the sacred with Nature & Waterfall experiences

A Detailed & personalized EXPERIENCE & workbook BASED ON your design

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The vibe at our retreats

Learning deeper and more fascinating aspects of Human Design together

Being pampered with nourishing, healthy, vibrant meals

Dancing under the stars

Being understood for who you really are right away, because you have the shared language

of Human Design

Traveling to gorgeous locations that hold healing earth magic

Receiving incredible clarity about your gifts, your purpose, and your path forward

Fire ceremonies on the beach

Laughing until we cry

Breathwork ceremonies that are mystical AF

Being HEALED by a true sense of belonging

Exploring in nature

Sound Baths and Cacao Ceremonies

Holding an unconditional love frequency while we witness each other's breakthroughs

Watching the sunsets together

Creating the sacred friendships that change our lives forever

Leaving absolutely inspired and transformed

These are the vibes that we KNOW are a part of our Golden Purpose to create and share with our soul community.

Dana & Shayna


Human Design Reader Training Retreat in Costa Rica


For our first retreat, we hosted an in depth Human Design Reader Training mentorship. We created a curriculum that was digestible, organized, practical, and in-depth, but it was also embodied, felt, connective, and empowering. Our goal was for everyone to feel like they are living and breathing their own design, to leave with a confident understanding of all they need to start giving fantastic readings, and to potentially even build their own business around this system.

This training was not only an in-person mentorship, but a space to connect with a like-minded community, have individualized support and attention, deconditioning practices, ceremonial gatherings and integrative activities.

Meeting each of you has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives, and our cups are still  overflowing with love for you all! This retreat completely changed the trajectory of our lives, and we are so grateful that we all got to be at the forefront, paving the way for others to discover this expansive modality!


Leaders of The New Paradigm Deconditioning Retreat in Bali

MARCH 2023

This was a luxury balinese nature retreat where we went DEEP into deconditioning in the most beautiful surroundings. Together, we held space for somatics, connection, growth and deconditioning.
We dove deep into fully understanding our own unique energy, shedding fear, not-self, and conditioning, building sacred connections, and transforming into the highest embodiment of our authenticity.

We all became emboldened as our own Authority in our ability to guide, and we left feeling READY to step into our sacred roles as leaders of the New Paradigm. We are so grateful we could hold space for this work in the sacred land of Bali. Our experience was so healing and deep, and the land was very gentle. The energy was intuitive and patient, and there was such a powerful inclusivity and spiritual love surrounding us.

Bali was so special. It’s our happy place that we can go to at any time we need to access it. It was a very spiritual, vulnerable, and present time, and we all felt so transformed after our experience together!

Activate Your Golden Purpose Human Design Retreat in Mexico

APRIL 2024

At this luxurious nature retreat in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico we went into deeper layers of Human Design to actively explore our Golden Purpose while in the most beautiful surroundings. We gathered to learn fascinating, advanced layers of Human Design, while receiving support in getting unstuck and stepping into our own prosperity, success, and QUEEN energy like never before.

We dove deeper into topics like Cross of Incarnation, Perspective and Motivation, GodHeads, Gene Keys, Golden Path Series, and more! Witnessing each of you share your hearts, gifts, tears, laughter, and stories was such a profoundly inspiring experience for us. Learning, growing, and dancing together in this golden sisterhood container was truly one of the most beautiful experiences of our lives!

We know the energy we created together in the jungle will continue to be a sisterhood that supports us all in our rising and it will create ripples of change in the lives of those we are connected to!

We can honestly say with every fiber of our beings that our DayLuna retreats have been completely LIFE CHANGING!

Every event we’ve had has completely CATALYZED our lives and brought us the deepest sisterhood connection that has nourished and inspired our growth in the most beautiful ways.

We believe that is because we follow our Strategies & Authorities every step along the way as we plan them. These retreats are divinely orchestrated, soul and spirit led through us, with dreamy and luxurious all inclusive accommodations, nutritious food, time in nature, group activities, and a week full of learning, healing, deconditioning, and growing together!

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"The Human Design Reader Training retreat with DayLuna changed the trajectory of my life. Nestled in the serene beauty of Costa Rica, this experience offered me not just an excellent education, but a profound experience of self-discovery, relaxation, and connection. Dana and Shayna created a container that was both welcoming and inclusive of everyone’s unique needs and Design. You could tell that they put so much thought into the itinerary and genuinely cared a lot about each participant’s understanding and growth. Being surrounded by like minded women was SO cool. One, because we got to nerd out on Human Design every day all day, and two, because it was incredible to experience what it’s like to be around others living their design. It was like stepping into a portal to a tropical New Paradigm for 10 days."

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Hi there,

WE're Shayna & Dana, the Human Design Specialists, Authors, And co-founders behind DayLuna™

We are here on a mission to empower the collective towards self-love, personal freedom, and radical authenticity.

While we specialize in the realm of self-purpose and conscious entrepreneurship, we also dive deep into  spirituality, parenting, the new paradigm, and so much more (check out our DayLuna Human Design Podcast; which has been downloaded over 1.5 million times!)

Accolades aside, we feel passionately called to help spread the complex and life-changing science of Human Design to a wider community in a grounded and approachable way. We have curated many different playful, yet informative offerings to help support individuals who are ready to step into their highest potential by honoring their unique energy.

Human Design is gaining popularity as our collective evolves toward a new paradigm, and we have worked with over 1,000 clients in this space, written the best-selling book Your Human Design, and have been featured on podcasts including Highest Self, The Lo Life, and Spiritual Shit, (to name a few) to share our expertise.

We are both currently living in southern California, while working on several large new offerings launching in 2024 and are having so much fun along the way!



  • How are the items personalized?
    When we receive an order we put together either your birth chart or human design chart based on your birth date, time, and place. We use your specific astrology, type, cross of incarnation, north node, authority, profiles and anything that stands out in your chart to help us select the items we feel will best support your personal journey in life! Every box is different and unique, because every person is different and unique :)
  • What is the deal with Pre-Order?
    Our boxes will start shipping out in late July - we are sourcing only the highest vibe items for the boxes, with so many different variables, to truly bring you only the best items to help you on your spiritual journey. We expect to receive all of our items by July and then we will start shipping out all of our pre-orders! If you place a pre-order, you will receive the item by the time specified in the details section of the item :)
  • Can I buy a personalized box as a gift for someone else?
    Yes! Our Human Design and Birth Chart boxes are great gifts (especially for birthdays!) and are very special and thoughtful! Simply place the name, birth date, time, and place of the person RECEIVING the chart in the details section when you check out. We use this information to curate the boxes, so it is important to make sure you put the recipients information there :)
  • What is the difference between the Human Design Box & the Astrology Birth Chart Box?
    Both boxes come with personalized tools. The Astrology Birth Chart Box tells you about your personality and your mind in specific detail to help you embody the highest vibration of your natural traits. Whereas your Human Design Box tells you about your energetic body and the way you need to use your energy to make decisions to experience less resistance in life.
  • Can you buy both the Human Design Box & the Birth Chart Box?
    Yes! If you buy both boxes, you will be receiving different information and items in each box and they both will support you in different ways :)
  • Can I buy just a digital Chart?
    Yes! Soon we offer digital Human Design, Astrology Birth Charts, and Saturn Return Workbooks that you can order online and receive in your inbox as an ebook! :) These are great if you want to order them for friends or if you want to order one box and buy another chart..etc.
  • Are the personalized boxes good for kids?
    Yes! The information that is in the charts are good for kids and parents to better understand how they process information and also for the parent to know how to best support them! Kids love the items in the boxes, even if they just keep them in their room somewhere - those high vibe items will support them from a far and will bring just a little bit more magic and loving/supportive energy into their lives.
  • Why is a lot of our pricing at $108?
    You will notice that we use the sacred number 108 through our pricing and throughout our products in general. 108 is the number for spiritual completion and is also the number for life and destiny. Not only does this number have many profound and ancient meanings (Mala beads have 108 beads..etc), it also holds many scientific meanings as well. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the Suns diameter. The distance between the Earth and Moon is 108 times the diameter of the Moon! This sacred number allows our solar system to have balance and life, thus we thought it was very fitting to honor and connect with this number through our work.
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