Welcome to The space to find your HD bestie!
An online membership to help you cultivate a deeper connection to your True Self, with a community of others who are doing the same.
Doors Now open
Human Design
Transit Calendars & Journal Prompts
Ever wonder what Human Design gate the sun is in, and what that means for your day? Our HD Besties receive a transit calendar at the start of each month, so they know what collective energy to expect, along with journal prompts and weekly emails to help integrate the energy according to their Type.
Virtual cacao & Robe-life party
Join us each month for a virtual circle. Including cacao ceremonies, deconditioning, new and full moon ceremonies & more! These ceremonies are a cozy, intimate and vulnerable space to connect and share - robe-life style.
Human Design Insights & Mini Courses
This is the space where we share our latest insights that we find are the most helpful right now! With over $1200 worth of content already in the library, we'll be teaching you different aspects of Human Design that are fascinating! Also, our HD Besties will always be the first to receive early access and special discounts for any future products & launches that are not given for free to this community!
Bi-Monthly Live Exclusive Human Design Q&As
Join us for private live Q&As, exclusively for our HD Besties. In these live calls, you will be able to ask any and all of your HD questions!
Access to our ever evolving Archive of Hd meditations, tappings & Journal exercises
A growing collection of our favorite resources (over $1200 worth) to help you find personal alignment. We add new practices to our archive monthly!
Access to an exclusive HD community forum
A dynamic online space just for our HD Besties to talk about all things Human Design and connect with other like-minded souls.
Energetic Housekeeping
We know you are busy, which is why each month we present a spiritual practice or exercise to focus on, to help you consistently show up for yourself. If you tend to put yourself on the back burner (which a lot of us empaths do!), this membership will help you stay on track and commit to your alignment each month. We help you to do your energetic housekeeping each month and take the guesswork out of what to focus on next!
Intro pricing
Dive into Human Design | Decondition | Connect | Get Inspired
Doors Now Open!
Instant access to our ever growing library of HD mini courses, meditations, journal prompts, and tappings... along with this month's Energetic Housekeeping Exercise!
Immediately get into our online community to mingle, comment, post and connect with other HD Besties!
Your invitation to our live Q&As and cacao ceremonies!
Monthly HD transit calendars delivered directly to your inbox on the 1st of each month!
Doors now open!